Thursday, June 24, 2010

Come and Take a Walk With Us

Today Ash and I took our daily walk at Lover's Point in Pacific Grove. This is a beautiful walk. It takes about 40 minutes to walk from Lover's Point to the Monterey Bay Aquarium and back.

Come... Join us on our walk!

The Monterey Bay area is full of microclimates, so you may leave your house on a sunny day and need a jacket 15 minutes later. Hope you popped your sweater in the trunk! You'll be glad you have it with you as the skies become overcast.

The majestic Seven Gables Inn overlooks the bay. Isn't this Victorian lady a beauty?

As the path breaks off from the road, there is a two-way bicycle lane and a dirt walking path.

Artists have painted murals depicting life on the Monterey Bay through the years.

Isn't this tree trunk fascinating? Nature's bonsai.
Did you need this reminder that we live in earthquake country?
Look what we discovered on our return trip - a friendly gaggle of geese...

...who decided to walk with us for awhile!
Wildflowers soften the rugged coast.

A view of the Seven Gables Inn on our walk back to Lover's Point.There are benches and resting spots along the way. This couple decided to soak in the sea air.
Coming upon Lover's Point Beach. Although temperatures are a little cooler, there were swimmers taking a dip.

Did you enjoy your walk as much as we did?

1 comment:

  1. It is so pretty there!
    I enjoyed seeing all the photos, that was a nice walk!
