Friday, March 27, 2009


Ash is using up some frequent flyer miles and coming home for two weeks of spring recess on Sunday! Yay! Can't wait to see her! In June she completes her BA in English and History (dual major), so is beginning to haul her stuff home from Goldsmith's (outskirts of London). What a sentimental journey it is to reflect back on when we took these pictures the week we went there to settle her into her dorm three years ago.

Above: Deptford City Hall -- down the street from Goldsmith's College.
Above: The quaint and beautiful St. James Church -- just behind the dorm where Ash stayed the first two years. She could see it from her window. This year she rented a row house with friends.

Above: The back of the administration building (pictured at the top of the page). This was a good place to sit and write, hang out with friends, and watch football (soccer) matches.

Above: The Hobgoblin Pub -- right next door to the dorm where Ash lived (dorm is beige brick building on the left). The train station, grocery store, and a few other amenities were across the street.

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