Saturday, September 19, 2015

For the Love of Walking

Last fall, about this time, a strained Achilles tendon brought me tumbling down. It bordered on incapacitating on the severely painful "bad days." Physical therapy, twice daily icing, special shoe insoles, and anti-inflammatory medicine allowed me to limp through my days. The doctor wanted me to stay off my feet as much as possible, which was nearly impossible since I work, but I tried. It took months for it to improve to the point where I could resume a regular walking program. For the rest of my life I plan to do the stretching exercises and be cautious about over-doing it. I hope to never go through that again!

Now that I'm back in a daily walking routine, I am so grateful for this simple pleasure! Walking out the front door, admiring neighborhood gardens, sometimes with earbuds plugged into my iTunes, sometimes just enjoying the silence of nature, my mind is free to wander. Some days I count my blessings. Some days I mull over things that are bothering me, turning over possible solutions. Some days my mind is pretty blank and I don't even know what I'm thinking about! The birds and squirrels provide entertainment, flitting from tree to tree, and I watch the interplay of sun and lacy tree branch shadows.

Some weekend mornings I leave early and head for Carmel. There I can walk the path above the beach, listening to the rhythm of the waves, greeting other walkers and joggers, inhaling that familiar smell of salty ocean water. This is where I was a couple weeks ago when I took these pictures and where I'll be going tomorrow morning.

There was even an artist out, paintbrush in hand, capturing the beauty of the scene in the morning light.
I feel so fortunate to live in such a magical place!

"Smell the sea, and feel the sky,
Let your soul and spirit fly."
~ Van Morrison

1 comment:

  1. That is very beautiful! I'm an ocean person... it just pulls me down to play!
